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Our CEO, Edgard Capdevielle, sat down with NYSE TV to talk about the history of Nozomi Networks, how our innovative solutions protect critical infrastructure today, and what the future of the OT cybersecurity industry might hold.
Our CEO, Edgard Capdevielle, sat down with NYSE TV to talk about the history of Nozomi Networks, how our innovative solutions protect critical infrastructure today, and what the future of the OT cybersecurity industry might hold.
Our CEO, Edgard Capdevielle, sat down with NYSE TV to talk about the history of Nozomi Networks, how our innovative solutions protect critical infrastructure today, and what the future of the OT cybersecurity industry might hold.
Our CEO, Edgard Capdevielle, sat down with NYSE TV to talk about the history of Nozomi Networks, how our innovative solutions protect critical infrastructure today, and what the future of the OT cybersecurity industry might hold.