Risk & Vulnerability Management for OT & IoT Devices

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Managing Cyber Risks Across Operational Technology

Operational technology networks can contain hundreds or thousands of devices from a variety of vendors, many of which are insecure by design – lacking authentication, encryption, and other security standards. Identifying and prioritizing critical vulnerabilities in OT & IoT devices is an important component of any risk management process.


Nozomi Networks’ OT & IoT Vulnerability Management

Identify and prioritize high risk vulnerabilities in all your OT & IoT devices

Continuously monitor your assets to quickly detect new vulnerabilities

Reduce the time to respond for high priority vulnerabilities with actionable intelligence

Scale vulnerability management across your entire operational technology infrastructure

Nozomi Networks Platform: Vulnerabilities & Workbooks Tour

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Why Nozomi Networks' Vulnerability Management?

Nozomi Networks’ OT vulnerability management solution automatically identifies and scores open vulnerabilities on your devices. Utilizing NIST’s NVD (National Vulnerability Database) for standardized naming, description and scoring, it rapidly determines which devices are at risk and helps you respond with actionable intelligence.

To help your security team prioritize high level exposure points, our solution displays all vulnerabilities by vendor, severity level and more in a dedicated view. Plus, it offers drilldown on each vulnerability for deeper troubleshooting and remediation assistance.

Unlike other solutions on the market, our platform uses a variety of methods to collect vulnerability information, including network monitoring, endpoint monitoring and smart polling, to provide continuous visibility into all your assets and their vulnerabilities, even when they aren’t actively communicating.

Take the next step.

Discover how easy it is to identify and respond to cyber threats by automating your OT and IoT asset discovery, inventory, and management.