OT Network Monitoring for Critical Infrastructure & Industrial Operators

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Effectively Monitoring OT Networks for Threats & Anomalies

Network monitoring is the process of capturing network traffic data, usually via a SPAN port or network TAP in industrial environments, to analyze it for security and operational anomalies. A good network monitoring solution offers a comprehensive network topology map with actionable security and operational insights from the data.

To spot and troubleshoot networking and communication issues that threaten both cybersecurity and reliability, you need real-time visibility into your assets, connections, communications, protocols and more.


Nozomi Networks’ OT
Network Monitoring

Pinpoint the cyber and operational anomalies that matter most

Access AI-powered insights to prevent anomalies from impacting operations

Continuously monitor your assets and networks for changes

Scale OT network monitoring across multiple plants, sites and teams


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OT Network Monitoring for Tomorrow’s Operations

Our OT network monitoring technology features:
Deep Packet Inspection

Our comprehensive deep packet inspection covers a wide range of industrial, IoT and IT protocols.

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Nozomi network map screenshot
AI/ML Engine

Quickly uncover and prioritize the risks that matter to keep your systems reliable and secure.

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Vantage IQ AI screenshot
Dashboards to Keep You Focused

Dashboards, query capabilities, playbooks and forensic tools to help coordinate remediation efforts across teams.

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Vantage dashboard

Take the next step.

Discover how easy it is to identify and respond to cyber threats by automating your OT and IoT asset discovery, inventory, and management.