U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has granted membership to Nozomi Networks Inc. as a certified partner in the Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (CTPAT) program. CTPAT (Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism) is a joint government-business initiative to secure the inbound supply chain against acts of terrorism that would be harmful to lives, property, and commerce. By partnering with CBP, Nozomi Networks Inc is making a vital contribution to help secure our borders and ensure the continued free flow of international trade. The program also meets the highest standards of a global AEO program because of the integration of CTPAT Security and Trade Compliance.
Benefits of CTPAT membership includes:
Our suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, 3Pl logistics partners and other supply chain partners are encouraged to obtain CTPAT or similar certification. To maintain partnership for the CTPAT Trade Compliance program, Nozomi’s supply chain partners must meet all general program requirements which include:
Our CTPAT status can be verified through U.S. Customs & Border Protection’s Status Verification Interface (SVI) portal.